Friday, August 3, 2007

Why Christianity is Scary

I stumbled upon this quote on a site called Positive Atheism

"In exchange for obedience, Christianity promises salvation in an afterlife; but in order to elicit obedience through this promise, Christianity must convince men that they need salvation, that there is something to be saved from. Christianity has nothing to offer a happy man living in a natural, intelligible universe. If Christianity is to gain a motivational foothold, it must declare war on earthly pleasure and happiness, and this, historically, has been its precise course of action. In the eyes of Christianity, man is sinful and helpless in the face of God, and is potential fuel for the flames of hell. Just as Christianity must destroy reason before it can introduce faith, so it must destroy happiness before it can introduce salvation."

-- George H Smith, Atheism: The Case Against God

Very good isn't it

Here's another reason for to avoid all forms of religion, this one is scary

From the good old U.S. of A from "Wife Swap"
The woman is called Margrette, she came back from a family that didn't belive in god.

Now we know that the TV networks use damaged people like this because it boosts their ratings. but......
I think this poor woman is a fine example of where religion is dragging America. She is the human face of religion in the US. This clip and other footage show her to be the embodiment of self rightous intolerance, deep ignorance, wincing hypocracy, hubris, gluttony, and religious insanity.

Let this be a warning to sane people.

beware all God fearin' Christians they are the spawn of Satan

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Religion is a disease

  • While there is no complete cure, the good news is that the infection can be treated. It is worth remembering at all times that those suffering the disease are victims - as well as the main vector for the pathogen.
  • They should be offered our pity and our care and helped, as far as is possible to a full recovery. They are ill - and should be treated sympathetically for as long as the symptoms persist and provided the disease does not become pandemic.
  • Mild cases are not dangerous and most of the population carry the virus, which can lie dormant and unnoticed until exposed to preachers, missionaries, mullahs, evangelists, clerics and patriotic fervor.
  • In most healthy individuals the virus is suppressed by the mind's own immune system and the viral agent remains inactive. It is possible for people to live long and productive lives without the disease coming to the surface or producing effects more adverse than the odd skyward glance and look of bewilderment.
  • However when there is an uncontained outbreak and the disease spreads out of control, rampant stupidity and intolerance will inevitably ensue.
  • There are many different strains of this disease - if left unchecked all are lethal to the culture and host they infest. Some of these strains are more virulent than others - they include; Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Muslim and Jainism. The latter being so benign as to barely qualify as a pathogen.
  • The main vector for the disease is indoctrination and ignorance. There is no known complete cure and the best defense is education, an open mind and self reflection.
  • Those unlucky enough to be contaminated by the disease (often passed willfully from parent to child) can be treated with regular doses of cynicism and common sense.
  • In children, if the disease is caught swiftly enough there is some hope of an almost full recovery and in some cultures where there is enough of the naturally occurring antidote; a fair society; equality; a good education system; and a lack of fear; children rarely catch the disease in the first place.
  • In some parts of the world this age old enemy of mankind has been almost totally eradicated. Most of these areas are in northern Europe and the antipodes. Unfortunately there are still deep infestations in parts of America, Asia and the Middle East.
  • So what can you do to prevent infection?
  • Be vigilant and do not underestimate the power of ridicule the disease thrives on fear ignorance and silent acceptance, it cannot tolerate open minded inquiry or the light of skepticism and reason.
  • Finally one last word of warning some individuals not only carry the disease but are willfully attempting to spread this virulent and medieval cancer. They can be recognised by the sounds of hypocrisy coming from their mouths and their message of love and tolerance preached belligerently to the ignorant or innocent.
  • Next week the Bible and the Koran why each book should carry a government health warning.